Δευτέρα 22 Δεκεμβρίου 2008

Ottoman postal rates

Date Rate details and subsequent changes
October 14, 1840 Regular mail 1 para per 3 dirhem (ca. 9.6g) and 1 hour;

half a para increase per additional dirhem and hour

Official mail twice base rate
Printed matter & newspapers one quarter para per 5 dirhem and 1 hour
Samples 10 para per hour and okka (1282g)
Special delivery 25 kuruş base fee plus 3.5 kuruş per hour
Insurance 2 para per hour per 1000 kuruş of value; special rate for silver coins: 12 para per hour per 1000 kuruş of value
January 22, 1843 Newspapers for a small format newspaper and up to 60 hours: 10 para; for any newspaper over 60 hours: 20 para
February 1, 1858 Newspapers for a local newspaper and up to 50 hours: 20 para; 51 up to 100 hours: 40 para, over 101 hours: 60 para
January 17, 1861 Newspapers for a daily newspaper and up to 50 hours: 2 para; 51 up to 100 hours: 4 para, over 101 hours: 6 para
September 17, 1863 Regular mail 1 kuruş per 3 dirhem (9.6g) and up to 50 hours; 51 up to 100 hours: 3 kuruş. For every 100 hours over the first 100 hours: 2 kuruş additional (maximum: 11 kuruş). Weight over 3 dirhem: 50% increase per dirhem.
Registration twice base rate
Official mail same as civil rate
Newspapers up to 50 hours: 10 para; 51 up to 100 hours: 20 para, over 101 hours: 30 para. Seamail: 20 para
October 3, 1868 Regular mail 1.5 kuruş per 3 dirhem (9.6g) and up to 100 hours; 101 up to 200 hours: 3 kuruş. More than 200 hours: 6 kuruş. Seamail: 1 kuruş
Newspapers 5 para per 5 dirhem (16g): 10 para for 5 up to 10 dirhem, over 10 dirhem: 20 para
October 31, 1871 Weight measure decimalized: 10g instead of 3 dirhem (9.6g)
Official mail free
1876 Foreign letters (UPU) 1 kuruş and 10 para per 10g; postcards (UPU): 20 para
October 15, 1882 Regular mail 2 kuruş per 10g; seamail: 20 para per 10g, postcards: 20 para
Foreign letters (UPU) 1 kuruş per 10g; postcards (UPU): 20 para
Postage due twice the actual rate
Printed matter & newspapers 5 para up to 15g; up to 30g: 10 para, more than 30g: 20 para. Large format: 20 para up to 85g. Seamail: 10 para per 75g
Samples 10 para up to 50g; up to 100g: 1 kuruş, 101 up to 200g: 2 kuruş, 200 up to 250g: 2 kuruş 10 para, additionally 20 para per extra 50g (maximum: 2000g)
September 6, 1888 Regular mail 1 kuruş per 15g
Registration 1 kuruş
Advice of receipt 1 kuruş
August 12, 1900 Money orders 20 paras up to 100 kuruş value; over 100 and up to 500 kuruş value: 20 paras per 100 kuruş value; over 500 and up to 2000 kuruş value: 20 paras per 200 kuruş value
Insurance 1 kuruş per per 1000 kuruş of value
June 14, 1901 Parcels
(sea or rail)
4 kuruş per 5kg (using one sea or railway line); using two sea or railway lines: 8 kuruş per 5 kg; using three or more sea or railway lines: 10 kuruş per 5 kg
20 kuruş per 5kg (within same province); to adjacent province: 35 kuruş per 5 kg; to province removed by one province: 50 kuruş per 5 kg; to province removed by two provinces: 65 kuruş per 5 kg; to province removed by more than two provinces: 80 kuruş per 5 kg
Int. parcels 11 kuruş per 5 kg
October 13, 1903 festive postcards up to 30g: 5 para per five words; up to 50g: 10 para
July 26, 1913 postal cheques 20 para for up tp 10 kuruş value
July 8, 1915 war orphan tax 10 para per letter; 20 para per registered letter; 5 kuruş per telegram, 1 kuruş per insured item


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